PDF⋙ Ready-to-Run Delphi(r) 3.0 Algorithms by Rod Stephens

Ready-to-Run Delphi(r) 3.0 Algorithms by Rod Stephens

Ready-to-Run Delphi(r) 3.0 Algorithms

Ready-to-Run Delphi(r) 3.0 Algorithms by Rod Stephens PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

All the algorithms you'll ever need for use in your Delphi programs

Ready-to-Run Delphi 3.0 Algorithms

This book/CD package arms you with a library of powerful algorithms completely implemented in Delphi source code. Just as importantly, it shows you when, where, and how to use them, and when you shouldn't use them. You'll find out how to handle just about any design requirement you'll encounter, such as managing data structures, sorting, searching, hashing, networking, and other important program functions.

In plain English, and with the help of sample code and numerous working examples, programming guru Rod Stephens brings you up to speed on algorithm fundamentals, and, with the help of ready-to-run programs that you can use to try out the algorithms, he shows you how to:
* Compare the strengths and weaknesses of different algorithms to select the best one for a particular situation
* Analyze algorithms both theoretically and in real-world situations
* Anticipate performance problems before they become disasters
* Customize algorithms to suit your particular needs
* Effectively use both classical algorithms and the latest object-oriented techniques
* Identify performance bottlenecks where changes can have the greatest impact on speed

The CD-ROM supplies you with:
* Delphi source code for all the algorithms described in the book
* Test programs to try them out
* A library of important algorithms you can use immediately without wasting valuable programming time

Visit the author's comprehensive Delphi site at :www.delphi-helper.com

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