PDF⋙ Gerontologic Palliative Care Nursing, 1e by Marianne LaPorte Matzo PhD APRN GNP BC FAAN, Deborah Witt Sherman PhD APRN ANP BC FAAN

Gerontologic Palliative Care Nursing, 1e by Marianne LaPorte Matzo PhD APRN GNP BC FAAN, Deborah Witt Sherman PhD APRN ANP BC FAAN

Gerontologic Palliative Care Nursing, 1e

Gerontologic Palliative Care Nursing, 1e by Marianne LaPorte Matzo PhD APRN GNP BC FAAN, Deborah Witt Sherman PhD APRN ANP BC FAAN PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This new book provides a valuable resource for practicing nurses at all levels in the health care continuum who care for older adults at the end of life. The focus of the book is on enhancing the quality of life for older adult patients and families who have progressive, incurable illnesses.
  • Focuses on quality end-of-life nursing care and its impact from a palliative care perspective.
  • Addresses active and compassionate care therapies to enhance physical, psychological, social, and spiritual domains of life.
  • Explores the spiritual, social, and psychological aspects of key nursing competencies at the end of life and progresses to the more evidence-based information and interventions related to pain, symptom management, disease progression, and care of the dying elder.
  • Includes Case Studies which help put the content into a more humanistic perspective.
  • Provides Evidence-Based Practice boxes that apply current research to findings.

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