PDF⋙ Robin Williams Handmade Design Workshop: Create Handmade Elements for Digital Design by Robin Williams, Carmen Sheldon

Robin Williams Handmade Design Workshop: Create Handmade Elements for Digital Design by Robin Williams, Carmen Sheldon

Robin Williams Handmade Design Workshop: Create Handmade Elements for Digital Design

Robin Williams Handmade Design Workshop: Create Handmade Elements for Digital Design by Robin Williams, Carmen Sheldon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Over the course of the last several years, the DIY market has exploded spawning magazines, books, movies and fueling the growth of the online, handmade marketplace. In Robin Williams Handmade Design Workshop: Create Handmade Elements for Digital Designs, best-selling author Robin Williams and Carmen Sheldon take designers away from their computers and show them, step-by-step, how to use traditional artist's tools to create handmade elements for their digital artwork. The authors provide a wealth of new ideas to jump-start creativity and get graphic designers thinking in new ways. Each how-to is illustrated with tons of photos to show how to use paints, inks, textures, modeling pastes, and more to create handmade materials that can then be scanned in and used to create one-of-a-kind print projects or web sites. Examples of finished projects and Web sites are featured throughout the book to provide both instruction and inspiration for designers to use in their own projects.

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