PDF⋙ Van Gogh (Phaidon Classics) by Wilhelm Uhde

Van Gogh (Phaidon Classics) by Wilhelm Uhde

Van Gogh (Phaidon Classics)

Van Gogh (Phaidon Classics) by Wilhelm Uhde PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Phaidon’s classic illustrated monograph on Van Gogh, updated with an elegantly crafted design for today’s burgeoning art aficionados.

Reviving a much beloved group of artist monographs from the Phaidon archive, the new Phaidon Classics bring to life the fine craftsmanship and design of Phaidon books of the 1930s, 40s and 50s. Updated with a contemporary "classic" design, full color images and new introductions by leading specialists on the work of each artist, these elegantly crafted volumes revive the fine bookmaking of the first half of the twentieth century, making Phaidon Classics instant collectors’ items.

A splendid presentation of the work of Van Gogh (1853–1890), one of the best‐selling artists in the world, much loved for the rough beauty, emotional honesty and bold color of his paintings. The book features Van Gogh’s most famous and familiar works – Sunflowers, Starry Night, Irises and his self‐portraits – are seen anew, in stunning full color‐illustrations.

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