PDF⋙ Deviance in the Workplace (Research in the Sociology of Work) by Hodson, Randy Hodson, Richard L. Simpson

Deviance in the Workplace (Research in the Sociology of Work) by Hodson, Randy Hodson, Richard L. Simpson

Deviance in the Workplace (Research in the Sociology of Work)

Deviance in the Workplace (Research in the Sociology of Work) by Hodson, Randy Hodson, Richard L. Simpson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This volume is about deviance in the workplace. It defines deviance as departures from laws or organizational rules by workers, managers, or an organization as an entity. It brings together contributions by scholars in the sociology of work and of crime and deviance, and identifies workplace deviance as a subject shared by the two. The contributions center around two main topics: deviance-making processes, and the social control of deviance through workplace regulation to detect and correct deviant behavior.

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