PDF⋙ Relating to Self-Harm and Suicide: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Practice, Theory and Prevention

Relating to Self-Harm and Suicide: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Practice, Theory and Prevention

Relating to Self-Harm and Suicide: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Practice, Theory and Prevention

Relating to Self-Harm and Suicide: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Practice, Theory and Prevention PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Alessandra Lemma - Winner of the Levy-Goldfarb Award for Child Psychoanalysis!

Relating to Self-Harm and Suicide presents original studies and research from contemporary psychoanalysts, therapists and academics focusing on the psychoanalytic understanding of suicide and self-harm, and how this can be applied to clinical work and policy.

This powerful critique of current thinking suggests that suicide and self-harm must be understood as having meaning within interpersonal and intrapsychic relationships, offering a new and more hopeful dimension for prevention and recovery. Divided into three sections, the book includes:

  • a theoretical overview
  • examples of psychoanalytic practice with self-harming and suicidal patients
  • applications of psychoanalytic thinking to suicide and self-harm prevention.

Relating to Self-Harm and Suicide will be helpful to psychoanalytic therapists, analysts and mental health professionals wanting to integrate psychoanalytic ideas into their work with self-harmers and the suicidal. This text will also be of use to academics and professionals involved in suicidal prevention.

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