The Magic of Tone and the Art of Music by Dane Rudhyar
The Magic of Tone and the Art of Music by Dane Rudhyar PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
At a time when music surrounds us everywhere...and is often mundane and mindless, this book reminds of us the mystery of sound and how sound can transform consciousness. Rudhyard presents a panoramic survey of the development of music, from its ancient magical beginnings to today's most sophisticated electronic avant-garde. He shows how the avant-garde trende is an attempt to cast off the formalities of the Western classical tradition and return to the simple and sacred meaning of sound. Drawing on his 70 years of experience, he reveals an understanding of the development of music that is inseparable from an understanding of the evolution of the human mind. Rudhyar shows how the create of music can be more than a synthesis of East and West ... evolving toward a truly inspiring and new 'music of the spheres.'From reader reviews:
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