PDF⋙ Law and Administration (Law in Context) by Carol Harlow, Richard Rawlings

Law and Administration (Law in Context) by Carol Harlow, Richard Rawlings

Law and Administration (Law in Context)

Law and Administration (Law in Context) by Carol Harlow, Richard Rawlings PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This definitive textbook explores the field of law which allows government and its agencies to practically apply its laws. The subject, affected by policy and political factors, can challenge even the more advanced student. In response, this title looks at both the law and the factors informing it, laying down the foundations of the subject. This contextualised approach also allows the student to develop the broadest possible perspective. Case law and legislation are set out and discussed, and the authors have built in a range of case studies to give a practical emphasis to the study. It is, however, the distinctive theoretical framework for administrative law that the authors develop that distinguishes this title from others and allows for real understanding of the subject. This updated edition will cement the title's seminal status.

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