PDF⋙ 12-Lead ECG: The Art Of Interpretation (Garcia, Introduction to 12-Lead ECG) by Tomas B. Garcia

12-Lead ECG: The Art Of Interpretation (Garcia, Introduction to 12-Lead ECG) by Tomas B. Garcia

12-Lead ECG: The Art Of Interpretation (Garcia, Introduction to 12-Lead ECG)

12-Lead ECG: The Art Of Interpretation (Garcia, Introduction to 12-Lead ECG) by Tomas B. Garcia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Welcome to the most comprehensive resource on 12-Lead ECG interpretation! This all-encompassing, four-color text, updated to the new Second Edition, is designed to make you a fully advanced interpreter of ECGs. Whether you are paramedic, nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, medical student, or physician wanting to learn or brush up on your knowledge of electrocardiography, this book will meet your needs. 12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation, Second Edition takes the complex subject of electrocardiography and presents it in a simple, innovative, 3-level approach. Level 1 provides basic information for those with minimal experience interpreting ECGs. Level 2 provides intermediate information for those with a basic understanding of the principles of electrocardiography. Level 3 provides advanced information for those with some mastery of the subject. The entire text is written in a friendly, easy-to-read tone. Additionally, the text contains real-life, full-size ECG strips that are integrated throughout the text and analyzed in conjunction with the concepts they illustrate.

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